Declaration Title
Broster Beadwork Collection
Declaration Description

The Joan Broster Beadwork Collection at the Walter Sisulu University ( WSU) is a nationally
significant Beadwork Collection which dates back to 1932 and was collected between 1952
and 1966. Most of the beadwork is associated with the abaThembu and was collected from
Qebe in Engcobo, Eastern Cape. The Beadwork Collection forms part of the remaining
collection depicting the cultural history and beadwork tradition of the Qebe community. The
collection is made up of objects which were used for ritualistic and symbolic significance and
personal adornment.

Inventory Reference
Gazette Date
Gazette Number
Notice Date
Notice Number
Declared by (Organisation/Heritage Authority)
Gazette Notice Status
Record Administration
Last modified
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 - 06:27