Title Significance Geological Formations Relevant Images
Molteno Formation Very high Karoo, Stormberg, Molteno
Kommadagga Subgroup Moderate/Medium Cape, Witteberg, Kommadagga, Dirkskraal, Soutkloof, Miller, Swartwaterspoort
Lake Mentz Subgroup Very high Cape, Witteberg, Lake Mentz, Floriskraal, Kweekvlei, Waaipoort
Witpoort Formation Very high Cape, Witteberg, Witpoort
Weltevrede Subgroup Moderate/Medium Cape, Witteberg, Weltevrede, Blinkberg, Swartruggens
Neogene Pleistocene Drift/Alluvium High
Traka Subgroup Very high Cape, Bokkeveld, Traka, Sandpoort (Ds), Adolphspoort (Da), Karies (Dk), Klipbokkop
Ceres Subgroup Very high Cape, Bokkeveld, Ceres, Boplaas (Db), Tra Tra (Dt), Hexrivier (Dh), Voorstehoek (Dv), Gamka (Dga), Gydo (Dg)
Baviaanskloof Formation Moderate/Medium Cape, Table Mountain, Nardouw, Baviaanskloof
Skurweberg Formation Low Cape, Table Mountain, Nardouw, Skurweberg
Goudini Formation Low Cape, Table Mountain, Nardouw, Goudini
Cederberg Formation Very high Cape, Table Mountain, Cederberg
Pakhuis Formation Low Cape, Table Mountain, Pakhuis
Peninsula Formation Low Cape, Table Mountain, Peninsula
Sardinia Bay Formation Low Cape, Table Mountain, Sardinia Bay
Gamtoos Group Low Gamtoos, Van Stadens, Kleinrivier, Kaan, Lime Bank
Margate Suite Insignificant or Zero
Sandveld Group Insignificant or Zero
Bredasdorp Group Insignificant or Zero
Caenozoic Deposits of the Interior High
Volcanic Pipes Insignificant or Zero
Hartenbos Formation Very high Algoa Basin, Uitenhage, Hartenbos (Kb)
Brenton Formation Very high Algoa Basin, Uitenhage, Brenton (Je)
Robberg Formation Very high Algoa Basin, Uitenhage, Robberg (Je)
Brandkop Subgroup High Nama & Vanrhynsdorp, Brandkop
Knersvlakte Subgroup High Nama & Vanrhynsdorp, Knersvlakte
Kwanous Subgroup High Nama & Vanrhynsdorp, Kwanous
Flaminkberg Formation Moderate/Medium Nama & Vanrhynsdorp, Kwanous, Flaminkberg (Nfl)
Klipheuwel Group Low Klipheuwel, Populierbos, Magrug
Schoemanspoort Fm Low Schoemanspoort